Our philosophy - La Tricoterie - Fabrique de liens

Our philosophy

Our "Link Factory" has changed a lot since it opened in 2013, but we are always careful to stay the course by keeping our values firmly in mind and never losing sight of the philosophy of our project.

When we launched the project, we wrote a "manifesto" which served as a compass during the first years. The philosopher Edgar Morin was one of its inspirers.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is the fundamental value on which La Tricoterie was built. Creating a sustainable project means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is also the idea of finding meaning and sustainability in all the dimensions of the project : the renovation of the building, the event practice, the proposed food, the economic model, the insertion in a neighbourhood and the participatory dimension.

It is therefore an environmental commitment, but also a social and economic one, which makes La Tricoterie a place "in transition".

Discover here all that we are putting in place in terms of sustainable development!

Poetic life

Beyond sustainable development, we promote what Edgar Morin calls a "poetic" relationship with the world, which, according to him, allows us to really live. The idea is not to always be in the performance and the quantified measurement of it.

Taking the time to talk to each other (exchange, debate), to eat (slow food, conviviality), to discover cultures and meet people, to take part in creative or philosophical workshops... in short, all these practices do not lead to material enrichment but contribute to the personal development of individuals.

The central place of the arts in our project is also linked to this notion of "necessary" free time.

Rediscovery meaning

Like many citizens’ movements, born in reaction to the excesses of ultra-liberalism and a hyper-individualised model of society, we felt the need to rediscover meaning and to act by contributing to changing the world in which we live. In the wake of the Indignant movement, but also in the more general framework of sustainable development, we want to look for solutions and become builders, "knitters" of a new society.

We believe that this social rethinking requires a return to meaning, a sense of responsibility on the part of citizens and companies, and a more conscious way of life.